Industrial Combustion Oil
Industrial Combustion Oil
Industrial Combustion oil (also known as Alternate fuel, heavy oil, marine fuel, bunker, furnace oil, or gas oil) is a fraction obtained from petroleum distillation. It includes distillates – the lighter fractions, and residues – the heavier fractions. Fuel oil consists of long-chain hydrocarbons, particularly alkanes, cycloalkanes, and aromatics.
• Used as an alternate fuel for heating applications such as boilers, furnance, heaters etc.,
• Used as an alternate fuel for off highway & Heavy equipments in Mining, construction & Agriculture such as crushers, tillers, evacuators, rollers, trucks, dippers etc.
• Better GCV (Gross calrific valaue) & NCV (Nett calorific vaalue)
• Better combution properties
• Good CFFP (Cold Filter plugging point) properties for cold weather
• High Cetane value
• High Flash point for ease of handling & Transportation
• Less sulphur content to meet pollution norms
• Anti corrosion properties
• Cost economic over conventional petro diesel & Bio diesel
• RéGlo ICO W
• RéGlo ICO G